Visit to the Estonian Embassy

The "Embassies and Residences" group took the WiB members to the second destination of their journey around the world: Estonia in northeastern Europe. H.E. Ambassador Arla Streimann and his wife, Marika Streimann, invited the group to the Embassy of the Baltic state on 3 May 2023. The modern developments of the country with its 1.3 million inhabitants was introduced through an excellent slide presentation.The following program was the sonatas and “dances” of the world-famous Estonian composer Arvo Prät. The talented young pianist Tähe-Lee Liiv interpreted his works and communicate the melody of the unique musical language beautifully. Everyone continued to be enchanted by the concert of the 19-year-old pianist during the reception at the end of the program. Sadly, the WiB members will have to bid farewell to the wonderful host couple, who will return to Tallinn this summer.