The Advisory Board
Under the current statute, the Advisory Board is a WiB body that assists the Executive Board, provides advice and guidance. Through the Advisory Board, not only the club maintains the regular contact with the diplomats and their partners, it also receives information regarding the interests and wishes of the club members. The Advisory Board is composed of six representatives of the regional groups which are refered as follows: African countries, Arab countries, the Asia Pacific region, EU & Northern and Southern European countries, Central Asian countries & Eastern and Southeastern European Non-EU countries, Latin America & the Carribbean.
The meetings with the Advisory Board members are conducted three times a year. The club’s agenda is presented by the Executive Board and the Advisory Board members inform their activities within the regional groups, offer suggestions and share the opinions gathered from their country members. They discuss various topics and details together, make plan and coordinate. Ideas are exchanged in an open and friendly athmosphere. The Advisory Board also serves as a forum to facilitate their active participation in club’s life. This close cooperation ensures that WiB is always well-informed about the needs and concerns of the members.